Article #83 - Women's Rights



            For The Journal


            As the subject of Women’s Rights claims the attention of a portion of our people I thought it worthy of a few remarks. The women are striving to gain there [sic] liberty that liberty which has been trampled under foot by the sterner sex and by what right has it been trampled upon in the creation of man was not woman placed on earth as a help mate and companion was she not allowed equal rights with man. Was he impowered to rule over her to treat her as though she was created but to satisfy his passions and administer to his wants to restrict her to a certain dress, of just such a length no longer or shorter, and allow her to speak only when she has occasion and if she dare adopt a dress which is more healthy and convenient and to get in public

and give her opinion of a subject which interests her he sneers at her calls her out of her sphere that she adopts a dress which is indecent, that she has no right to give her opinion of subjects no matter how well informed she may be. has he a right to do this, certainly not after she attains the age of maturity she is a free agent. she has a right to speak on what ever subject interest[s] her and to adopt whatever costume she considers the most suitable may success attend her in her

endeavours and may she through [sic] off the schackles [sic] under which she has so long existed.

                        Yours     T. M.

                        [Thamazine Meredith?]