Article #108 - Unknown Subject


   The latest & most wonderful event! During Mr Thompson’s* lecture in West Chester on last Wednesday a young lawyer attempted to oppose the philanthropist member of parli[a]ment yea the “youngun” even went so far as to threaten the old British Lion by his so called Yankee impudence but although he shook his head about in manifold directions as if he was determined to but[t] anything that came his way yet before he was done he discovered to his own deep sorrow and lasting disgrace that the object which he had selected was too admantine for his Hydraulick operations. The poor fellow was comppeled [sic] to retreat in utter dismay for he now became sensible for the first time that the old Lion was partially aroused from his den and was growling surlily at the puppet that had the impudence to disturb his slumber. But he was too late to escape the resentment of the disturbed monarch for he caught him in his gigantick paws and gave him a few light taps about the ears with the other which so terrified the poor little beast that to




secure himself from such unpalatable treatment he declared himself the best friend the king beast possessed and veritably he differed not the least from him in his opinions of any subject.


*George Donisthorpe Thompson (18 June, 1804-7 October, 1878) was a British antislavery orator and activist who worked toward the abolition of slavery through lecture tours and legislation while serving as a Member of Parliament. He was arguably one of the most important abolitionist and human rights lecturers both in Great Britain and the United States.