
Article #206 - Curse


Curse. To Wish evil, To Execrate, [?Hnol]

To afflict hope – to imprecate Evil

Curse – Malediction wish of evil to another – Driden [sic]

Torment Vexation Addison – Johnsons Dictionary


Admit[t]ing S Painter said that J Peirce had been a curse to Society, he cannot be understood to have meant more than that he had been an affliction   a torment, or a vexation


Article #205 - School property for Lyceum use


To Pocopson Literary Association


            The committee appointed to ascertain of the Trustees of Marlborough School property their reasons for refusing the further use of the house in which to hold our meetings, to induce them if possible to rescind their act of expulsion – And to vindicate if necessary our character for good order and our right peaceably to meet in houses devoted to educational purposes, offers the

following  ?? .

Article #204 - Gastric Process


This consists of two lengthy fragments, describing the observations of Dr. Beaumont concerning the gastric processes.]


Article #202 - Comments on Lyceum


Pocopson 9 mo 4th 185--


Friend Editor

            As there were some fears expressed at our last meeting that there would not be a sufficient number of essays forwarded to justify the editor in entering upon the duties pertaining to the preparation of the Journal, these few lines are sent on for insertion, in case they meet approval; and on further consideration, that they shall not swell the Journal beyond a very moderate size. Otherwise, I decidedly prefer that they be not introduced.

Article #201 - Education

[An essay,  “Education,” same as 56, but with some phonographic writing or Pitman shorthand added.]

Article #200 - Spring


Why is it that spring water appears cold in summer

            and warm in winter?

[J. M. S. answers this. On the reverse is a list of questions, same as in 94.]

Article #199 - Age of Earth


What proofs are there that the Earth is more

than 6,000 years old?

[The writer offers what he or she says is a partial answer: that the remains of man are found in the upper strata of the earth.]

[These names, written at bottom, are apparently unrelated to the query.]

            B House, Elly Gamble, El-- Gam, Sallie Carpe, T Savery

Article #198 - Freezing Point of Water


When the temperature of the atmosphere is below the freezing point why does not the water immediately become ice?


[The writer answers this.]


Article #197 - Stanzas on Superstition



                        Journal      5th mo   1852


            Devoted to literature, News &c.


            Stanzas on Superstition


[This is a rather lurid poem on the dangers of yielding to superstition.]


Then keep fair Reason ever free from chains

Let superstition never hover hear

Till not a vestige of his power remains
